Has Mainstream Therapy Failed You?

Are You Self-Medicating & Numbing Out to Avoid Life?

Do You Feel Stuck & Without Purpose or Passion?

Welcome! Chances are you have found me because you are seeking something different, something you cannot quite put your finger on. Well, you've arrived at the right place. Quantum counseling offers a uniquely new & profound approach to life’s problems. Learn how your conscious, subconscious & unconscious aspects of mind are formatting your reality. You can heal your mind, your emotions, your body & your relationships.

Quantum Counseling

Many of us are not even aware that we are living our life with the limitations and wounds that we carry from childhood. It shows up in our lives through resistant beliefs, negative emotions, body pain and illness, and confusion about why certain things have happened to us. We are doing the best we can to clear these issues on a conscious level but we often do not ever get to the root cause. 

While traditional therapy can be beneficial in providing a foundation for growth and healing, in my personal experience as both a clinician and a client, I found that mainstream therapy was not able to provide me with the whole algorithm for deep consciousness cleansing. A root canal for my soul if you will, was what I was looking for.

Rather, it gave me partial answers to half equations. I wanted more from my healing, I needed more for my healing and I was not able to find it in mainstream therapy. What I found in the approach that I use, is that I was not just healing from family wounds from childhood, nor was I just managing my depression or anxiety, but I was understanding the deep, family inherited architecture for not only my pain and struggle, but the generations of pain and struggle that came before me in my family.

I blend mainstream psychology, quantum mechanics, neuroscience, general systems theory, trauma-informed counseling, attachment theory, relational conflict solutions,  positive psychology and your spiritual/religious foundations to provide a "WHOLE" algorithm approach to your healing, while at the same time healing your family upline and downline through inherited "bluetooth" functioning.

Who is this for?

Quantum counseling is most beneficial for those who:

  • Do not want to be in therapy for years.

  • Have been in therapy for years and still struggle with painful patterns and/or trauma, anxiety or depression.

  • Have money and career difficulties making it hard to feel financially secure in life.

  • Experience rocky relationships or unhealthy relationship patterns and want to finally be in a loving, healthy & optimum partnership.

  • Struggle with complex PTSD or childhood trauma that continues to resurface in your adult life.

  • Feel heavy and weighed down with something you can’t quite put your finger on.

  • Feel a little lost or without direction and/or purpose in life.

  • Finally want sustainable healing and transformation in life so you can live a life of joy, abundance and love.

How my client’s benefit from quantum counseling:

Client’s who work with me experience:

  • A structured approach to even the most complex of topics or issues.

  • Logic based insights and education that will make sense of confusion, trauma and difficulties.

  • A direct counselor who cuts through the fluff and helps get to the core of troublesome issues.

  • Real-life solution sets that produce momentum and processing of deep emotions, core beliefs and misaligned thoughts.

  • Guidance towards spiritual alignment grounded in science, logic, psychology and personal belief systems.

  • A deeper sense of self and a meaningful connection to one’s core value system.

  • A transformation of life aspects such as money, relationships, health and well-being.

  • Renewed outlook on life and the way one navigates the ups and downs that are normal to the human experience.

  • The ability to not just manage anxiety or depression, but to overcome and heal the symptoms by understanding the messages they are trying to alert to.

  • A reconciliation of trauma, PTSD and other life experiences that have left a negative mark in their lives and on their hearts.


In-person and video options

My office is conveniently located in Central Roseville, CA. Can’t make it into the office? No worries – I’ve got you covered with easy to use video appointments.


  • Quantum Counseling

  • Brainspotting

  • Therapist Consulting

    Coming Soon!

  • Online Courses

    Coming Soon!

Listen up.

Get caught up on The Conscious Psychology Podcast by yours truly. In these episodes I break down Quantum Psychology and how it influences you life, your relationships, your wealth and your health. Better yet, I give you real-life solution sets to break free from the patterns that keep you stuck. Listen on Apple Podcasts and Spotify.

The conscious psychology podcast breaks down quantum psychology and how it can help clients heal.
a guide to navigating consciousness e-book

Schedule a free intro call, today.